The FFFF Challenge this week -- Gotcha Day Clothes!
I'm not sure how Donna over at Double Happiness! thinks up these challenges but she certainly has a creative mind!
I wasn't sure whether "the Mom" would be up for this one. She had put the girls "Gotcha Day" clothes away as soon as they returned from China as she was afraid that if the girls saw them it would bring back memories of a very difficult day in their little lives. Of course they have done very well adjusting and seem to be such happy little girls these days so she decided to give it a shot.
Not too bad of a fit, just of bit short in length -- of course they also aren't wearing the several layers underneath that they had on on Gotcha Day. I remember Mom telling me (Mimi)that everything they were wearing appeared to be new.
What a difference 6+ months make, even in the same clothes!
I Just Love These Girls!
Mimi misses seeing these girls so much and I so much enjoy getting these fun pictures where you just see how much fun (and sometimes not :) that they have. To see the world from a two year old's eyes -- the delight and wonder and surprise -- enjoy.
Garrett & Colton
Garrett and Colton are two cousins the twins haven't yet had a chance to meet. In fact since they live far away in Seattle, Mimi and the rest of the gang don't get to see them often either! Their Mom, Aunt Linda has just started a blog for the boys and we have really enjoyed being able to keep "in touch" a little better.
Colton on the left and Garrett on the right
The Twins say "Congratulations!"
To cousins Cody and Tanner Welch for advancing to Regionals in Track and Field --
Cody, a Junior at DeLeon High School qualified in Pole Vaulting and Tanner, a Freshman at DeLeon High School qualified in the 300 Hurdles -- great job!
(Note:Mimi is very proud of her grandsons too!)
Tanner and Cody just hangin out between events
Tanner (Mimi doesn't do such a great job of taking action shots :)
And further Congratulations to Cody and to DeLeon High School for making it to State in One Act Play Competition for "The Beggar's Opera"!
A portion of the article in the Abilene Reporter News --
"Saturday was an emotional day for the cast of De Leon High School's "The Beggar's Opera." While the students were competing in a regional UIL one-act play contest in Abilene, they were thinking of a classmate in the hospital following a serious traffic accident on Easter.
Students dedicated their performance to their classmate Kelsey Menzel, who was undergoing a third surgery for her injuries, and then went on to qualify for the state University Interscholastic League one-act play contest.
"We have a tight-knit group that can pull together through anything," said Terra Jobe, De Leon High School theater director. "They were able to prove that this week."
Menzel, who was to have been in the play, is listed in stable condition at John Peter Smith Hospital in Fort Worth."
We're sending lots of special prayers Kelsey's way and know she was with the group in spirit last Saturday.Kevin Smith, Cody Welch, Brody Hammonds, & Hunter Golden striking a pose after advancing to Regionals
Dress Rehearsal