Wednesday, January 31, 2007

New Do's!

I'm sure you've noticed that the girls aren't identical and Faith, the Mei Mei (by 7 minutes) has quite a bit more hair than Hope. Mom decided a hair cut was in order, or at least for Faith so she trimmed Faith's bangs.

We present the new look -- the big hair bows are gone and replaced with smaller "big girl" bows. Don't they look too cute? but they look older! Please Mom, Mimi still loves the big hair bows too!!

Our pretty girls all snuggly after their bath

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Dora is still the girls' favorite. They will hardly ever watch any other videos but Mom says the Christmas video has to go, at least until next Christmas season!

Here are a few pictures of the girls watching -- you guessed it -- DORA!

Friday, January 26, 2007

Well, it's Friday so it must be time for another "Double Happiness" Family FotoFun Challenge -- this week it's "Profiles". So I got right into it and started looking for profile pictures of the girls -- there were lots of pictures to go through and really lots of profile pictures so I created a couple of collages and have also included some of my favorites of the girls together -- what fun!

While this picture isn't of the girls at all, its my all time favorite -- Mom and Dad's first glimpse of the girls -- what joy I see on their faces!

First night home

Sisterly love

Waiting for Dad

We're so big!

Two pretty girls

Christmas morning



Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Excuses -- Why don't I post as often as I have in the past?
I've been back in NYC and haven't seen these sweet girls since before Christmas? Mom's back at work and the girls are in Day Care so life is more hectic? Getting ready for lambing season keeps Mom and Dad busier? Mom's camera has been on the fritz for awhile? -- Hey, Dad -- we NEED a new camera!!!
Basically it's all of the above but mainly it's because Mom's camera has been acting up for awhile -- notice the nice 'glow' around the girls by the Christmas Tree on Christmas morning? -- that really wasn't Christmas Magic! Anyway, Mom has discovered that when the camera doesn't come on, if she hits it it works ok for little while so she took a few pics and sent them to me :) Maybe "the Mom and Dad" will get on over to "the city" now that things have thawed out a bit in west Texas and get a new camera? -- let's hear from you 'lurkers' cheering Mom and Dad on to get that new camera! (I'm looking for Comments here to support 'the cause'!)

Now before you start asking, the girls really DO have clothes, in fact more than most little girls that age as Mom had a children's store before going to China to get the twins but basically their preferred mode of dress is UN-dressed

Sweet girls loving Mom

Our silly girls



Sunday, January 21, 2007

Black & Whites



Our child prodigies -- music is their forte!


Girls just gotta have fun!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

'The Mimi' visits other adoption blogs from time to time and one of my favorites is "Double Happiness". Donna, 'the mom' from "Double Happiness" has a weekly FotoFun Challege and I decided we needed to participate this week as the theme is "Shoes" -- my favorite subject! I'm hopeful the twins will have as great a love for shoes as their big sister Rachel who would rather have had a new pair shoes than just about anything :)

These boots are made for walkin!

A few of the girls' favorite shoes --

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

It's hard to believe that it's been 3 months since "Gotcha Day"(October 10th). Sometimes it seems like only yesterday and sometimes it seems that we've had these little darlings forever. The girls have grown and bonded with Mom and Dad as well as the rest of the family. They've experienced Halloween and their first Thanksgiving. They've had their second birthday and their first Christmas with their Forever Family. Mom's returned to work and the girls are spending their day's with Ruth. They are doing great with that by the way, just some tears from Faith when Mom drops them off, but then this is Ruth's House and ALL of the kids love going there. I know they will continue to grow and adjust to their new lives and it's so much fun being a part of that. We just love them soooo much!

Here are a few of the girls' new experiences, I hope you enjoy them!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Before Mom headed back to work this week she and the twins took a road trip to visit Aunt Chelle and Cousin Bailey as well as spending some time in DeLeon visiting friends and family and attending the stock show there -- believe that might just be their first one! Here are a few pictures taken on their trip, they seem to be having a great time.

Friday, January 05, 2007

With Christmas, New Years, and visits happening over the past few weeks, there has been little time to post. I (The Mimi) have however been working on a "Family Album" video and thought I would share it with you. These are photos that were taken at different times over the past few months but unfortunately I didn't have pictures of some family members so they've been left out (but not forgotten!). There's also music so you will want to turn the volumn off or down on the MP3 player located below the China Time and Weather on the right of the blog. To turn the blog music off just click on "Stop" or you can turn it down on the volumn control. Enjoy!